Syazwan adi bagun super early this morning :) bukan sebab aku tidur awal, tp tido agak lewat jugak, pkl 2 pagi something. ( haha…bukan agak lewat sgt ye..) dengan bersemangat penuh azamnya aku bangun awal because i know that today i'm going to do something xtraordinary- joging ! me..xtraordinary la tu…x rmai tau suka jogging pagi2..haha
i think i'm tired of doing a routine life. Rountiness are so boring kan? now aku dah sedar kenapa tiap2 hari je aku rase malas...everyday doing same things and keep repeating it.. I'm actually sick of routiness.(is there such a word as routiness ?)…x abis2 ngn word that I create..haha..lari tjuk skit..smlm lg laa..aku create pkataan baru.. “monachratic”..haha..ade ke??..last2 kna tegur ngn mr E..hmm..but ok laa..learn from mistakes yaa..^^..
i think i'm tired of doing a routine life. Rountiness are so boring kan? now aku dah sedar kenapa tiap2 hari je aku rase malas...everyday doing same things and keep repeating it.. I'm actually sick of routiness.(is there such a word as routiness ?)…x abis2 ngn word that I create..haha..lari tjuk skit..smlm lg laa..aku create pkataan baru.. “monachratic”..haha..ade ke??..last2 kna tegur ngn mr E..hmm..but ok laa..learn from mistakes yaa..^^..
back to topic..Somehow aku rasa, rutin hari-hari bagi false feeling that everything is okie dokie and stable.wheres, they are NOT. Rasa takde improvement plak dalam hidup. Life must we need to continue life by just only doing same things???...of coz its boring la kan…
hmm.. |
then…dis mornim..i tried to break my routines..hehe…dgn bgn awalnye…there’s another reason ak bgn awal..nk hantar rumet ak naik bas pegi teluk pe ntah..haha(..untung la sape dpt rumet prihatin macam aku ni)..haha
but..ade but ye..after I send off my rumet.(lepas babai2,,peluk2..oopss!!..haha)..ak decided to smbung kejap la tido…still sleepy…and………………..guess what????????
I woke up at 9!!!!!!....hancur musnah luluh impian aku…haha…I wanted to jog but the sun oredy up and just like when I look up at the sky..the sun said to me.. ”haha..padan muka ko..nak break rutin la konon” really kills me..haha..(try and imagine the scene).. and…frust2 gile r td..huhu
so...learn from it..dah bgn tido tu jangan sambung balik..terlajak plak nanti..haha.....^^
thanks 4 reading..^^
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